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The Story Behind the e-Dragster


The e-Dragster


So, how did this e-Dragster come to exist in concept and move towards reality? The answer is plain and simple - GOD! God's will, want, plan, and providence is on display and He provides the means!



In April 2019 the Holy Spirit gave words that which He hears, that which is to come! I was given words that enabled me to make a vow and promise to my God. As when Hannah made a vow and promise to her God concerning Samuel - IF you give me a son, THEN I will dedicate him to you - I made a similar vow and promise to my God! I asked the Lord for something very personal vowing that IF He gave me what I wanted THEN I would truly dedicate my life to Jesus! This vow and promise was to become a missionary dedicating my life (that did not belong to myself) to serve, follow, and suffer for the Lord's sake, to glorify God and His name, to win souls to the Lord for Him to save, and to find my all in all in Him - my joy, happiness, satisfaction, pleasure, and love in Him! After a Iifetime, I was now TALKING THE TALK by WALKING THE WALK!



From January to July of 2019 - this was my season of solitude (Note to readers: look up to see what this means!) - I was kept busy twelve plus hours a day praying, studying, meditating upon, speaking, and living by proving saving faith by my resulting action! I no longer lived life for my own purpose and reason. After all, it was no longer MY life - I belonged lock, stock, and barrel to Jesus! So, what was God's purpose, reason, and meaning for this life that was not my own? This is now when God showed me that He had something BIG in store for me as an instrument for His glory! At the end of July 2019 I was given the "idea" for this dragster. No one in the history of this world has developed anything like this street legal dragster - much less used it in a ministry to glorify God and His name! As Noah was given the plans for the Ark, as Solomon was given the plans for the Temple, I was given this dragster!Is this far fetched? I couldn't come up with this in an infinite number of years! Only an omnipotent and omniscient God could do so!


Think about this for a minute. I gave a vow and promise to God to be / become a missionary (me as an instrument for His glory!) and then six months later He provides the MEANS to the end (a dragster - an instrument - to carry out glorifying Him and His name). Thus, God by His Spirit gave me the words to make the vow and promise to become a missionary and then He gives me this dragster as a means to become a missionary! All Him, from beginning to end, as I am truly a part of His will, want, plan, and providence. Luke 12:48 states: "...Much is required from the person to whom much is given; much more is required from the person to whom much more is given." That person is me! I did NOT ask for this gig, I was NOT asked did I want the gig! It is without doubt that Saul and I are similar in this regard as many are called, but few are chosen! Chosen and TASKED and put to work with and for Jesus!


In July and August of 2019 I approached (what seemed to me to be countless) engineering companies and organizations across the country for assistance. No one had an interest or could see any way that this dragster had a practical worldly application. After rejection upon rejection I gave up! I could NOT do this on my own as I had neither engineering or fabrication skills nor deep pockets! Therefore, the e-Dragster was dead in the water before it even saw the "light of the day."


Though it LOOKED like I had failed, God cannot and does not fail - never, ever! A year passed by and the Holy Spirit told me to go back to the organization I first submitted to, but this time go deep into the organization, not upper level management. I put together a 42 slide presentation, submitted it to a new person, received an email response same day, got a referral to the project coordinator, a week later we had a Zoom meeting for an hour, and the project was "GREENLIGHTED" at the end of the hour! How great THOU ART!!!!! When the time comes it is in God's PERFECT timing! Without a doubt it was God that brought the success as how else could it be explained! Worldly people may claim that it was from luck, fate, my doing it due my greatness, etc. however as for me, I know AND believe that GOD enabled and ensured this - He PROVIDES the Means to the End!     

thomas candeto


God Does Everything for His Own Glory Because He is God!

And so we must do everything for His Glory Because HE is OUR GOD!


Flash forward to today - three plus years into this project. The e-Dragster is being designed on a part-time basis and will soon be ready for fabrication! We must pay for the fabrication and this costs money! The Lord is our King and we are led, guided, and steered as far as this is concerned. By the selling of 3000 T-shirts during this design stage - to pay the costs - we are glorifying Him and His name! When (not if!) the e-Dragster is traversing America it (and us) will be an instrument for His glory. The T-shirts will be sold throughout our travels to glorify God and His name while covering the costs of the mission. A secular mission is paid for in a worldly way, however we know that our Lord and God provides for us in all ways - a godly mission given to us by our GOD and provided for by HIM! Also, please note God has put us to work in all aspects of His plan for us - working to bring glory to Him and His name!


We are asking for YOUR help! Please pray to our Lord and God for His hand to bring the victory AND for us to succeed because He is with us! Please pray for us, we need your prayers! If you can help us in any other way it would be very much appreciated! Again, we work for free as we do NOT charge to spread the Good News and share our testimony of what our Lord and God has done for us! As we receive(d) freely, we give and share freely! It is not our JOB, but our privilege to work with and FOR Jesus! After all, who are we? Servants, caretakers and stewards of God-given gifts and blessings!





3D Balls in Rainbow Background

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