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Your support is vital to our work at Him-me Racing Ministry! We neither draw a salary nor do we have a building with a mortgage nor do we accept donations! As our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ worked for free (and counted on the alms of the women who loved Him and NEVER forsook Him - even at the cross!) we WILL emulate Him! We do NOT sell Jesus for money as we know it is a privilege to follow Him, to serve Him, and to suffer for His sake! Also, we are only caretakers and stewards of that which we are entrusted with and though we are poor by worldly standards, however all of our worldly needs - small as they are - are met and provided for us by our Lord, our God without question! Truly it must be said that our spiritual riches are more important to us and they are found in the One MOST IMPORTANT, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Deo Gratias and Laus Deo!!!!!


The Lord has gifted and blessed us with a ministry of being on the streets, going where the lost sheep are located. Presently, we are working on the streets of Grand Junction, Colorado ministering to the homeless helping them with food and clothing insecurities, but more importantly, sharing our testimony of what our Lord and Savior has done for us, to us, AND now THROUGH US as instruments for His glory. We share the GOOD NEWS - truly believe, be baptized, and be SAVED! It is true that worldly needs do matter, however they are temporal and finite. On the other hand, spiritual matters are ETERNAL and thusly matter much, much more! Lives do matter, but the soul, the ETERNAL SOUL matters infinitely more! Jesus died for SOULS, to save lost SOULS, the called and chosen souls that belong to Him!!!!!!


So, like the eleven who were being trained for work much greater once the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentacost, we also are in our local apprenticeship being trained/prepared to hit the road across America. Thus, when the PERFECT time comes, this street-legal dragster will take us around the country to the outcasts who are truly in need of the Great Physician to heal them and to save them! This is the Parable of the Lost Sheep in REAL TIME with the Shepherd, the lost sheep, and US all in practical and personal application of the Scriptures! As Jesus worked, as Paul worked, as the apostles and prophets and disciples worked, so do we work! As long as there is light there is work to be done. There is no better and NO greater work than working with and for Jesus Christ! This is the GREAT COMMISSION personally and practically applied to us by Him through the Holy Spirit!


This is where we really, truly need YOUR help!


We certainly need your help by praying for us as there is power in prayer. Spiritual warfare and the battle for lost souls is no trifling matter! The enemy has NO intentions of easily surrendering souls that are currently in his hand. Those who have felt his devious attacks know quite well how TOUGH he is! In addition, this ministry is funded by quid pro quid - equal value exchanged. Your purchase of a shirt (or shirts) will enable us to CAD design and fabricate this dragster to then travel across America sharing our testimony and the Good News! We also need to ask a big favor of all - we need word of mouth sharing with your family and friends to help us out in the selling of these shirts! We especially need social media exposure to get our story out, but it isn't for our glory! The instruments matter - driver and dragster - but it is our SENDER that matters most!   *****Exponentially we can sell 3000 divinely inspired T-shirts by word of mouth referrals, however we need YOUR HELP to do so! These shirt designs are limited editions and are Truly Big HIM Powered, Truly Big HIM Designed!

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